Jérôme Buscail


Jérôme is a Partner at Kalliopé, where he heads the Intellectual Property practice.

He focuses on all industrial property matters. After starting his career as a trademark attorney, he headed the IP divisions of two large French international companies (BIC and Danone) for over 10 years, before co-founding the DBK firm, then joining Kalliopé in 2024.
This prior professional experience as corporate counsel in international transactions has allowed him to gain a business-oriented approach and practice of law, and to benefit from an effective and reliable network of collaborators and colleagues on all five continents. Jérôme advises his clients on strategic decision-making, management of IPRs and intangible assets portfolios, drafting and negotiating agreements, both regarding non-contentious and contentious issues involving intellectual property, trademarks, industrial designs, patents, domain names, Internet. He also provides assistance in the management of marketing and R&D projects.
He also regularly supports his clients on matters “peripheral” to intellectual property to secure their marketing and commercial projects or their R&D partnerships.
He particularly focuses on industry, agri-food and fast moving consumer goods, media and broadcasting (advertisers, advertisement agencies, and audiovisual business), events, banking, automotive, aeronautics, design, art and sports (organization of sporting events, sponsorship).


Intellectual property

Contract drafting and negotiation

Litigation – Arbitration – Mediation

Legal experience

Literary and artistic property / industrial property

  • Copyright and related rights
  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • Designs
  • Domain names
  • AOC – AOP – IGP
  • Anti-counterfeiting, Customs registration, Counterfeit seizure
  • Intellectual Property Audit in the context of mergers and acquisitions operations
  • Management of the rights portfolio (brands/designs)

Media, advertising, entertainment, communication

  • Audiovisual production
  • Musical contracts
  • Buying space
  • Agency-advertiser relationship
  • Validation of advertisements
  • Artist representation
  • Press
  • Events, sponsorship, sponsorship
  • Sports law

New technologies – R&D

  • Contracts related to information technology (licensees, SLAs, application maintenance, etc.)
  • Contracts linked to R&D activities (consortium, in/out licenses, research collaboration, etc.)
  • Public software licensing and maintenance contracts
  • Social networks, websites

Economic law

  • Distribution (CGV, CGA, single agreement of article L.441-7 of the Commercial Code, etc.
  • Commercial agents
  • Legal notices, CGU
  • Unfair and parasitic competition
  • Anticompetitive practices

Intellectual property litigation

  • Pre-litigation and legal litigation in counterfeiting as well as in matters of unfair and parasitic competition

Sector experience

  • Industry
  • Fashion and ready to wear
  • Agri-food and distribution
  • Banking
  • Daily consumer goods
  • Media
  • Events
  • Automotive
  • Aeronautics
  • Design
  • Art
  • Sport

Membership bar



French, English, Spanish

Professional background

  • Since 2024 / Lawyer, partner at Kalliopé, Paris
  • 2011-2024 / Lawyer, partner and co-founder of DBK, Paris
  • 2006-2011 / Intellectual Property Director, DANONE group
  • 2002-2006 / Intellectual Property Director, BIC group
  • 1999-2002 / Anti-counterfeiting Manager, BIC group
  • 1997-2002 / Trademark attorney, Cabinet Moutard
  • 1996-1997 / Trademark attorney, Cabinet Santarelli

Academic background

  • DESS « Droit de l’Entreprise de Haute Technologie » (Master in law), UVSQ (1995)

Individual distinctions

  • Association of Trade Mark and Design Law Practitioners
  • International Trademark Association (INTA)
  • International Wine Law Association


Jérôme’s primary commitment remains to support his clients on a daily basis through an operational partnership and a human-centered relationship. Jérôme also shares his passion for Intellectual Property by regularly providing training courses to share his knowledge with students. Jérôme is also very involved in several associations (music, motorsports and aeronautics field).

Training provided

  • Trainer in Intellectual Property at the European Institute for Business and Intellectual Property – Since 2015 Jérôme Buscail, lawyer, list of intellectual property trainers at IEEPI https://www.ieepi.org/institut/formateurs/
  • Trainer for official authorities (Customs, Police, Gendarmerie) as part of their anti-counterfeiting program
  • Trainer in Intellectual Property for designer students at STRATE College

Academic/press publications

  • International Association of Vine and Wine Law Lawyers – Published in 2017

Participation Jérôme Buscail AIDV Conference (International Association of Vine and Wine Law Lawyers) in Bordeaux – October 2017


  • Lexis Nexis – Communication Electronic commerce International anti-counterfeiting strategy – Published in 2014

Publication Lexis Nexis (Jurisclasseur) – Communication Electronic Commerce edition

Article Jérôme Buscail on international anti-counterfeiting strategies


  • Intervention at the IP Summit – Published in 2014

Intervention Jérôme Buscail at the IP Summit in Brussels on three-dimensional brands


  • Lexis Nexis – Communication Electronic commerce International anti-counterfeiting strategy – Published in 2013

Publication Lexis Nexis (Jurisclasseur) – Communication Electronic Commerce edition

Article Jérôme Buscail on international anti-counterfeiting strategies


  • Lexis Nexis – Communication Electronic Commerce Litigation Practice – Published in 2012

Publication Lexis Nexis (Jurisclasseur) – Communication Electronic commerce edition

Article Jérôme Buscail on Litigation Practice


  • Lexis Nexis training intervention – Published in 2010

Intervention Jérôme Buscail in a Lexis Nexis training course on the defense of brands and internet domain names


  • Nomination to the disciplinary chamber of the CNCPI – Published in 2009

Nomination Jérôme Buscail to the disciplinary chamber of the CNCPI (National Company of Intellectual Property Advisors) – page 9


  • Nomination for the European Counsel Award – Published in 2009

Jérôme Buscail nominated for the European Counsel Award in the IP Director category


  • Cybersquatting – Published in 2008

Intervention Jérôme Buscail on cybersquatting at an International Trademark Association (INTA) conference


  • CNCPI anti-counterfeiting fight – Published in 2008

Intervention Jérôme Buscail, Intellectual Property Director Danone Group, CNCPI / CCI conference on the anti-counterfeiting strategyhttp://www.cncpi.fr/age188-88-rencontres-pi-contentieux-immateriel-RIPI.htm?level

  • Danone in Colombia – Published in 2007

Jérôme Buscail intervenes in Danone trademark disputes in Colombia


  • Medef intervention on unfair competition and parasitism – Published in 2006

Intervention Jérôme Buscail, Intellectual Property Director Danone Group, President of the Medef Brand Group at a Medef / APRAM (Association of Trademark Rights Practitioners) conference on unfair competition and parasitism


  • Inventor in a BIC patent – Published in 2006

Jérôme Buscail named Inventor in a BIC patent


  • INTA intervention – OHIM IP strategy – Published in 2006

Intervention Jérôme Buscail, Danone Intellectual Property Director, INTA – OHIM conference on IP strategies


  • Destruction of counterfeits in Morocco – Published in 2005

Interview Jérôme BUSCAIL, Intellectual Property Director BIC Group on intellectual property and the fight against counterfeiting in Morocco


  • Counterfeiting – China’s double game – Published in 2005

Article in Usine Nouvelle – interview Jérôme Buscail, BIC Group IP Director

Counterfeiting China’s double gamehttp://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/contrefacon-le-double-jeu-de-la-chine.N46029

  • Counterfeiting and customs – Published in 2004

Interview Jérôme Buscail in the Economiste on counterfeiting and the role of customs


  • El Pais article on the fight against counterfeiting – Published in 2004

El Pais article on the fight against counterfeiting quote Jérôme Buscail, Head of the BIC Group Anti-Counterfeiting Department


  • Article Usine Nouvelle – Counterfeiting threatens Europe – Published in 2004

Article Usine Nouvelle – Counterfeiting threatens Europe interview Jérôme Buscail, Intellectual Property Director BIC Group


  • IP intervention at OHIM (EUIPO) – Published in 2004


  • Destruction of counterfeit goods in China – Published in 2002

Article on the destruction of counterfeits in China, quote Jérôme Buscail, BIC Group Anti-Counterfeiting Manager


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