The law n°2020-105 of February 10, 2020 relating to the fight against waste and the circular economy provides that producers subject to the principle of extended producer responsibility (REP) and eco-organizations transmit each year to the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) the information mentioned in Articles L. 541-10-13 and L. 541-10-14 of the French Environmental Code.
A decree of December 12, 2022 specifies (i) the nature of this information, (ii) the procedures for making it available to ADEME (transmission by means of the SYDEREP register, calendar, etc.) and (iii) the nature of the information to be made available to the public either by ADEME, in accordance with article L. 541-10-14 of the French Environmental Code, or by the eco-organisations, in accordance with article L. 541-10-15 of this Code.
The law No. 2020-105 of February 10, 2020 also provides that eco-organizations send information each year to the competent authority responsible for drawing up and monitoring the regional plan for development, sustainable development and equality. territories or, where applicable, the regional waste prevention and management plan (article D. 541-20 of the French Environmental Code).
The decree of December 12, 2022 specifies the nature of this information.
This decree completes the decree of February 11, 2022 relating to the registration of producers subject to extended producer responsibility and concerns EPR sectors for which at least one eco-organization has been approved on the date of entry into force of this decree.
Authors of this article: Nicolas Contis and Matthieu Guignès, lawyers, law firm Kalliopé
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